BEEP! Alarm goes off!!! 6am wakeup call. You drive down to the surfbreak still half asleep. You put on your wetsuit and you rip a giant hole in it, and now you're contemplating not paddling out....You still get a solid session in, but you froze your bollocks off...and now you have a problem on your hands.. How and where do I fix my wetsuit?
El Porto surf shop sells 4 types of wetsuit repair kits:
1. Neoprene Patch $15
All you need is a hot iron and a pair of scissors and takes minutes to apply.

Takes 5 minutes for first coat to dry and 10 minutes to apply the second application.
Wetsuit should be ready for use after a couple hours.

and last but not least,
4. BlockSurf Neoprene Cement for $14.99